It is no news that the struggle to stay fit, fine and funky is gaining attention among women. We thought it is wise to help you find out more ways to burn that belly fat, and be as fabulous as you want.
Post pregnancy belly fat and bloats can be uncomfortable and discouraging. As a matter of fact, some women credit their low self esteem to the size of their belly after pregnancy. After several unfruitful attempts to burn the excess fat gained during pregnancy, most women result to self pity and becomes very ashamed of how they look.
It is time to get back n shape and we are glad to help you find out how to achieve that. We found you 25 ways to get a flat tummy from a post by "PREVENTION"
A toned, flat tummy is a goal many of us strive to achieve, but endless crunches and ditching all your favorite foods aren't the right—or fun—way to do it. A sculpted core and trim tummy can be attained by incorporating small changes into your day, like holding in your abs while you walk and adding the right healthy fats to your diet. Here, 25 simple ways to flatten your belly.
Post pregnancy belly fat and bloats can be uncomfortable and discouraging. As a matter of fact, some women credit their low self esteem to the size of their belly after pregnancy. After several unfruitful attempts to burn the excess fat gained during pregnancy, most women result to self pity and becomes very ashamed of how they look.
It is time to get back n shape and we are glad to help you find out how to achieve that. We found you 25 ways to get a flat tummy from a post by "PREVENTION"
A toned, flat tummy is a goal many of us strive to achieve, but endless crunches and ditching all your favorite foods aren't the right—or fun—way to do it. A sculpted core and trim tummy can be attained by incorporating small changes into your day, like holding in your abs while you walk and adding the right healthy fats to your diet. Here, 25 simple ways to flatten your belly.
Talk and walk.
Instead of catching up with friends over food and drinks, suggest a reunion on the move—you're likely to work out 104% harder if you have an exercise buddy. Suggest a weekly walk-and-talk session, form a friendly fitness club, or try a new class at the gym together.
Instead of catching up with friends over food and drinks, suggest a reunion on the move—you're likely to work out 104% harder if you have an exercise buddy. Suggest a weekly walk-and-talk session, form a friendly fitness club, or try a new class at the gym together.
Try the Roll-Up.
Hold a resistance band taut between your hands and lie on the floor face up, with legs extended and arms overhead. Pull abs in, tuck your chin, lift arms toward the ceiling, and roll head, shoulders, and torso up and over your legs as far as you can. Keep heels firmly on the floor and reach hands towards your feet. Pause, then slowly roll back down. Do 5 to 8 reps with 30 minutes of cardio 5 to 6 times a week. (Try more exercises with resistance bands here.)
Hold a resistance band taut between your hands and lie on the floor face up, with legs extended and arms overhead. Pull abs in, tuck your chin, lift arms toward the ceiling, and roll head, shoulders, and torso up and over your legs as far as you can. Keep heels firmly on the floor and reach hands towards your feet. Pause, then slowly roll back down. Do 5 to 8 reps with 30 minutes of cardio 5 to 6 times a week. (Try more exercises with resistance bands here.)
Make time for cardio.
If you want to burn the most belly fat, a Duke University study confirms that aerobic exercise is the most effective in burning that deep, visceral belly fat. In fact, aerobic training burns 67% more calories than resistance training or a combination of the two, according to the study.
If you want to burn the most belly fat, a Duke University study confirms that aerobic exercise is the most effective in burning that deep, visceral belly fat. In fact, aerobic training burns 67% more calories than resistance training or a combination of the two, according to the study.
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